“The Interview” is a fictional short story in my collection.  (Which is being published along with my series.)

Most people have been on a job interview. It’s a tap dance. A dog and pony show where everyone is on their best behavior. You say why you are perfect for them and they tell you why it’s such a great place to work.   You never say how you are always late because you drop your kid off at school every morning and they never tell you how they’ve been sued for sexual harassment or creating a hostile workplace.

The interview is a story about being honest. I wanted people to read it and feel good about themselves or have some hope. See I know what it is like to be desperate for a job.

I’ve been on plenty of job interviews. It can be hard on your ego and the longer you look, the worse you can feel. A bad economy seems to intensify the pain and desperation and you can only give yourself so many pep talks before you begin to doubt yourself.   But you are more than your job and there are plenty of people out there that are willing to doubt you, so don’t take their side. Don’t turn on yourself and don’t let them shape your vision of yourself.

Tell me the worse job you ever had and if you had known the truth, would you have taken it?