It was my growing tomato phase.  Last year, I tried to grow tomatoes and strawberries.  I planted five tomato and six strawberry plants.   At the end of the season, my crops produced two tiny tomatoes and two tiny strawberries.

I was disappointed but I was willing to try again this season.  This year I ended up with no strawberries but I managed to get about four dozen tomatoes and they were so tasty. Now we eat a lot of tomatoes in our house – we grill them, put them in salads and on sandwiches, so four dozen wasn’t a lot.  But I have friends whose tomato gardens yield more than 100 dozen and they share with me, their neighbors and the food banks.  This is where the idea originated.

“The Community Garden” is about being part of a community that cares, even if the community isn’t quite what it seems.  Can’t wait for the book to come out and for you to enjoy it.