Today’s post is on writing and goals.

Writing a book is a goal for me.  But, I didn’t wake up one day and decide to write a book out of the blue.  I got to this point after a series of small steps and small goals. From my first article submission to writing an advertising campaign, each writing goal prepared me for the next goal.

Everyone should set small goals – goals that make you stretch just a little.  When you accomplish your goal, you feel good about yourself.  It’s positive reinforcement in a world that can sometimes tread on our self esteem.

Don’t aim for running a mile, aim for walking to the end of the block everyday.  Don’t aim for losing five pounds in a week, go for eating healthy just one day a week.  Once you accomplish the small goal, step it up.  Build on your success. You will amazed at what you can do.

My goal is to finish the second edit by October 5.

There are so many things to do when working on a book.  I am in the middle of my second draft of my first novel.  I am starting the first draft of the second book in the series.  I have finished my short story and you will see it up on this blog very soon.  I am checking out editors and book cover designers.  I am working on this blog and my other.  Yes there will be a links page on this blog soon.   I am thinking about keeping a diary on everything I am learning about the writing journey.  I think it may help others in the future.

I have set my goals.  Set your goal and let me know how you do.