Yes, I watch television and I watch a lot.  I want to say television is good for you,, but I don’t have any scientific evidence.  However, I do have an argument in favor of TV.

Studies have suggested that the brainwaves change from a beta state – an active state, to an alpha state – a relaxed and highly suggestible state, when you watch tv.  A relaxed state isn’t a bad thing, right?  What if you are a type A personality and getting to an alpha state isn’t an easy thing to do?  What if you can’t relax?  What if you are a workaholic or have an intense daily schedule? Enter television.  Change your brainwaves, change your state of mind.

Now, I run almost every day and I lift weights twice a week.  I work two jobs, I cook from scratch and I make my lunch, every day.  I read and when I have time, I sew. My point is, I don’t just watch television.  Once again, moderation is the key.

Television can be educational, it can generate discussion, and it can entertain.  So I’ll keep watching as long as it isn’t the only thing I do.

What about you?  Do you watch too much tv or do not watch any?  What are your favorite shows and why?  Drop me a line.