“The Dip” by Seth Godin is a fast, easy read that I recommend to everyone.
I’ll start by saying, you do not have to be a business person to read and enjoy this book. I emphasize this because the author, Seth Godin, is a well- known business man, author and speaker. He launched Squidoo and has written more than a dozen books. He’s a smart man that writes smart books on business and marketing, but his book “The Dip” offers some great ideas about life.
Life is complex series of choices and situations. In “The Dip,” Seth Godin breaks these down into two options, quit or stick, and into three situations, the cul-de -sac, the dip and the cliff. The ideas he presents gives you a new set of tools to use when looking at your life, career, or business. I recommend it for everyone. It’s a quick read, that can give you a new perspective.
I think I’ll be giving it as a present next May at the college and high school graduations I will be attending.