This is a strange realization.  The more I write the better I get – at everything.

This is just my observation and my invitation to you.  Select one thing, do it every day, focus on getting better at it and I think you will see not only will you be better at that one thing, but you will be better at everything.  I think the pathways in the brain just open up when you try to master one task, which in turn spill out into other areas of your life.

I write every day.  Some days it’s the blog, other days it’s copy, other days it’s the books. I do it every day, pretty much without failure.  But that creativity, that discipline, has spilled out into other areas of my life and I am sort of startled by this revelation.


I wish I could tell you how much time it took, but I just noticed this, it may have been happening all along without my noticing it.

I’m looking for a psychological or scientific study that can back up this statement, so if you have one please email it to me.  At first I thought it would be under the psychology of momentum – but after looking at some of the theories, it wasn’t quite the fit for what is happening.

Then I thought maybe under neural pathways, but I kept coming up with articles on recovering from a stroke, there may be some data there, but still not quite what I was looking for.   I’ll keep looking but if you have that study, please send it to me.

In the meantime, start something, focus on it, and let me know when you notice it or better yet if you have experience with this, drop me a line.    Until then, I’ll keep looking for that scientific study.