Finally, the formatting is complete for the second book in the Dark Heart Trilogy, “Dark Heart Curse.”  The book was sent to Amazon and hopefully it should be available on Amazon by Monday, but if I am lucky, maybe it will be available over the weekend.

Formatting for Kobo, Barnes and Noble and Apple should be done by Monday and with luck these distributors will have it available by the end of the week.

Trust me, I’ll let everyone know.

This second book in my trilogy is much darker than the first book, but it is still a book about love.  It looks at the lengths the heart will go to in the name of love and in this supernatural world the lengths can be extreme.

It is a dark, romantic, supernatural thrill ride and I can hardly wait for you to read it.

Also my free book “Shadows on the Highway” continues to do well.  It has some great reviews and feel free to add yours.

My first book in the trilogy, “Dark Heart Coven” hasn’t had any reviews yet, but I keep hoping someone will say something nice about the book.